Labor Advisory

The fundamental purpose of Proasa Sevila is to aid our clients though our services in the various problems that may affect them such as taxes and duties.

Furthermore to follow through with the necessary actions that corresponds with every case:

  • High level formalities in the Social Security Treasury and the Autonomous and General Regime regarding the obtainment of Number of Employer as well as in the Autonomous and General Regime.  Opening and legalization of new work centers.  High in mutual work accidents.
  • Management work deals, contracts, payroll y Social Security (TC-1, TC-2 Y TC-2/1) and high and low variations on the Internet. (One for the worker and month).
  • Preparation, assessment and settlement of parties in the case of accidents, illness, and settlements of those.
  • Elaborating on the models 111 and 190.
  • Assessment of settlements and formalization of work contracts.

Yet another characteristic of our company is specialized treatment our advisory service provides to benefit our clients:

  • Completion of the simulations and costs of the Company, breaking down expenditure relating to payroll and Social Security.
  • Workers letter preparation in the case of section or dismissal.
  • Legal assistance to work inspectorates before the Center of Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation (C.M.A.C.).
  • Attention to requirements and communication of the State Tributary Agency.  Preparation and presentation of appeals for postponement of Social Security, which includes the breakdown of quotas and subdivisions.

Finally, legal services such as:

  • Judicial proceedings before the Social Jurisdiction, collective dismissals: ERE’s and ERTE’s.
  • Collective negotiations.
  • Preparing and processing discharge sheets that have been filed against proceedings and sanctions of labor authority.