Category: News

New legal norm regarding parts of Temporary Incapacity (IT)

The next December 1st, 2015 takes effect the new medical reports of sick leave, confirmation and medical discharge, whose model has been approved by means of Order ESS/1187/2015, of June 15th, (Official  Gazette of June 20th, 2015) that comes to develop Royal Decree 625/2014, of June 18th by which certain aspects of the management and control of the processes of temporary incapacity in first three hundred sixty five days of their duration are regulated.

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Electronic Billing

The law 25/2013 enacted on the 27th of December regarding “Promotion and creation of electronic invoicing and the creation of billing records in the public sector “, explains the obligations and regulations for the use of electronic invoicing in the public sector.  The law also requires the use of electronic billing starting January 15, 2015.

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